Stewart and I have been helping out by making teas,coffees,
bacon and sausage rolls once a month at
The Life Line 4 Chernobyl Auctions since July last year.
We help the rest of the month by advertising,
collecting clothes, shoes and household items.
Stewart also restores bicycles to sell at the auction
and send out to Chernobyl.
Quilts are still needed too!
John and Pauline work every minute of the day
to send aid to Chernobyl to 'The Forgotten People'.
They prepare all month for the auction,
to make them interesting and encourage fund raising.
The big ask at the moment, is a
The last one was so old that it let in water,
it had welds on its welds!
Any info would really help.
The new sponsored signs look great and will be
in window of John's furniture shop in Kings Lynn.
See the Life Line 4 Chernobyl