Listening to Norma Bean's talk at our Embroidery Guild meeting last night about the women sent to Australia for crimes as little as 'stealing a loaf of bread', looking at the display of bonnets representing a few of the women's lives.It brought home the emotional thoughts of women torn from what they knew and never to see their family again. It was emotional because it is the history of human suffering which is often forgotten and still going on today!
The project for this memorial is the quest of artist Christina Henri who lives not far from the female factory in Hobart.
As you can see I brought the pattern and the 3 linen packs. I was determined for my Mum and daughter to be inspired too! 3 generations of women stitching together.
Now to do some more family history!
If you would like to make a bonnet which will be a tribute to a 'Rose' and on permanent exhibition in Hobart.
Please email Norma Bean
Norma.bean@ntlworld.com (this is not a link, put in your address bar as normal)
or visit
http://www.femalefactory.co.au/ or the artist
http://www.christinahenri.com.au/A plea from Norma Bean, please if you have had a pattern, please make and send your Bonnet tribute.