After the taking down of Alveva Quilters Show
I ended up taking several quilts home for people who
couldn't collect them and Pat"s, Star Quilt was among them.
Jennifer had admired it at the show and all of a
sudden said,
"Mum that's the quilt I would like!"
Well! I had promised her a new quilt but she had to choose
one that has so many points and meeting joins on purpose!
So I asked Pat all about it.
It was a month by month quilt from Quilters Haven,
10! years ago and Pat has taken 10 years to do it.
At the next meeting of Alvevas,
Pat gave me what she had of the patterns and some of
idea of what fabrics to use.
The rest as we say is up to me!!!
We have agreed it should be for her 21st!!
Gilly was showing her minature quilts and
telling us about the Quilters Guild and blow me down
if she didn't have one too!
This quilt had taken her 8 years!!!
I think there is something more to come!
See more of my quilts on