
Sunday, 24 March 2013

Duxford Quilt Show

I always visited Chilford Quilt Fair at this time of year and 
with the sad fire there. The Show has moved it's venue to
Last years reports were mixed and my memories of 
Duxford were when I was in The RAF, so
I was unsure how a quilt show would feel in a hanger,
with aeroplanes!
We arrived from Norfolk on one of Carters coaches,
the trip organised by
Adrienne one of my C&G students.
Thank you Adrienne, it is really appreciated.
I was pleasantly surprised by the show.
The show was well set out and the quilt show had a good variety.
I only had a small shopping list but I know some had a long list:)
I went round the show with my friend Joan, an avid quilter 
and grandma on a quilt mission!
We had lunch and cups of tea under the nose of a Typhoon.
That was the only problem, not enough seats!
Looking forward to the November show. 

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