
Saturday, 25 August 2012

Printing Blocks

I have been using different forms of printing in my work for many years and really enjoy making my own stamps, stencils and blocks. Stewart had made me some of the wooden blocks and throughout Open Studios these had been selling. One morning while demonstrating printing an idea for a printing project involving multiple blocks and wouldn't it be nice if they were in their own tray, like the old printers used to have. We had received a tray with mixed fruit and nuts for Christmas and I had saved it thinking it would come in for beads. I asked Stewart if he could make block stamps for each compartment thinking that was simple. He said yes but soon came back saying'Would you like a cup of tea?" I thought this was strange so soon after taking the tray so asked, "What's wrong?" "Do you know that everyone one of those compartments is a different size and some aren't completely square or rectangle!?" ooo but as you can see several hours later he did come back and I have had to punch stamp numbers on them so they go back in their own compartment! What a beautiful set it has turned out to be, all ready for me to design the stamps on the other side.
See more of my printing on my website
Or click on the written labels and photos below.

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