
Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Gallery Tuesday 3rd April 2012

On a Mixed Media Tuesday, there is always so many different projects going on and I also share inspiration, so there is lots to choose from. From the top Jeanette had finished her Antique page using a photo of Sylvia's Grandfather. ( This had been transferred onto fabric and stitched on). Some of the pieces of media were antiques and had stories to tell themselves. See more of Jeanette's pages by clicking the written label below. Jenny had finished her granddaughters corset and had put all the finishing touches of lace and trimmings to it, fabulous!
Mandy had finished her Dresden Plate mat, this is going under her sewing machine to stabilise it and so it is easy to push out of the way across a table. We thought it was too good to hide under a machine.
More crazy work patchwork with Barbara making another Scissor Case, beautifully colours and trimming choice and Crazy work blocks which will be made into a quilt for Maria's new niece.
As for the bottom picture this was just before we started, Jenny had ordered lunch but we all decided it needed sharing! It can be a bit like that a times, with lots of laughter too!
See more by clicking the written labels below.  

1 comment:

  1. A lot of interesting posts today. I guess my favorite has to be that quillo with all the bright colors. And the view of you working on the storage building. We are celebrating our Independence Day today, but it is so hot, I am staying home.
