I have had several students who are just visiting Norfolk
for a short while, on holiday, visiting or on leave.
Vicky has been on leave for a couple of weeks and
this year has challenged herself to learn patchwork and quilting.
Mum had signed her up for a class with me and I
managed to squeeze her into another one because she
was so enthusiastic.
She got straight in there making a folded bag, got inspired
by 'Show and Tell', making a large pincushion!
A bit of a giggle in some groups because so far Shirley
had the biggest one!
Vicky also made a pocket wall hanging over the week and then
made a piece of strip patchwork to cover a
sketchbook to take her notes in.
She has been so inspired she brought the machine
that she has been working on in the workshop!
That shows real dedication.
Well done Vicky! and keep in touch.
See more students work by
clicking the labels below.
Your classes always look like so much fun, Jane. Wish we had such a wonderful place to meet in our town. Enjoyed all the pictures, as usual.