
Sunday, 25 September 2011

Gallery Tuesday 20th September 2011

As usual there is lots of creating on 'Gallery Textile Tuesday'.
I take along inspiration and them students can make similar items
but with their own fabrics and flair.
Above is a Christmas Table Runner Sylvia is making.
Well, we had to start making gifts for Christmas!

Below is Brenda's Scissor Case.
See more Scissor Cases by clicking on the written labels below.
They are all different.

Some of our new members are trying different techniques.
Here Sara is learning how to piece patchwork,
straight out of the scrap bag. This piece is being
made ready to learn how to machine quilt on.
Carol has made lots of quilts in such a short time.
Here she is finishing an heirloom quilt that came into the
charity shop where she volunteers. It needed finishing
and needed a backing. We had lots of fun making
the seams match!
Carol is famous for her un- picking!!!

See more of what goes on @The gallery by clicking on the
written labels below or visiting their website

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