
Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Bolliwood Changes

This is Jeanette's 'Bolliwood Turrets' textile she is working on
at the moment.
The door decoration has changed again this week because
if you compare with the previous 'Bolliwood' posts,
the door, still was'nt right.
Jeanette has also added the leaf vine and embroidery
and of course the Elephants and their
background. It really is
a beautiful piece.
(To see more detail click on the image).
If you want to see more posts on
Bolliwood Turrets or India inspiration,
underneath this post there is a line of labels,
next to the comments.
If you click the label word you are interested in,
all the posts that are relevant, will come up so
you can see the progress as well.
You can see even more India Inspiration
by clicking the India Inspiration photo
on the right too.

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