
Monday, 12 July 2010

A Visitor to the Garden

Look at this cheeky visitor to our garden on Saturday morning.
She had the front to drink out of the bird path and then
stroll around the garden eating the tops off my new plants!
Sweet peas and all.
It's funny though because I just watched her and chuckled.
I couldn't bare the thought of scaring her because she might have run into the road,
which is the other side of the hedge.
I know she crossed it to get in!
She wandered down the garden and by the look of our raised onion bed,
slept there most of the day while we were all out.
We walked down the garden late afternoon to water
the green houses and hadn't realised she was still there.
Our voices startled her and she ran down the path into the
the corn.
They are wonderful creatures but really make a mess of a garden!

1 comment:

  1. A deer ran into my daughter's car one night. We have a lot of deer here also. They are beautiful animals.
