
Monday, 22 March 2010

Spring Weeding!

This is half of the long flower bed and a small section of the lawn which we weeded and mulched today.The lawn was trimmed and cut today too! I will shown you more of Quilters Cottage garden as we move round the areas in our Spring cleaning over the next couple of weeks. I like the planting and the lounging but really hate weeding but it's got to be done!
We live next to a field and you can see the open Norfolk Sky!


  1. Its lovely to get out in the garden.....Norfolk is a wonderful part of the country....i have a friend who lives in Thetford.

  2. Hi Jane! - I read Spring Wedding! :)
    I understand the difficulty of a large garden! Our house yard is approx 2 acres. I'd love to make it into an English Cottage Garden!
    It seems as soon as you turn your back on one section, it gets out of control.. or by the time you work your way around the garden; the first section is wild again!

    Keeping the water up to everything in Summer is a challenge here. Our temperatures vary from over 40deg C in summer to -8 deg C frosts in winter -but no snow! :(
    Good luck; I envy your climate and the plants you can grow! You have a gorgeous spot in the world!
    Sandi xo
