
Friday, 19 March 2010

Pattern Day

Yesterday had a Pattern day with Mum. We both want to make some Summer Jackets. So this entailed working out the what pattern pieces went with which jacket and how we needed to fold and lay the pattern pieces out. We both haven't made clothes for a while so it was a bit like learning a new language all over again. All went well and the toille jackets are now cut out ready to sew together and taylor. We take them to pieces and cut out on our real fabric! Fun!
Mum, Jenn and I all had a lovely 'ladies that lunch' in the conservatory. Baked Butternut Squash with Morrocan Coucous and Roasted Vegetables. Bluebery juice for our drink. Lovely!
Mum and I then went for a walk round the woods opposite us. Two deer were out and the snowdrops are still in full flower.
A really lovely day, Thank you Mum!

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