
Thursday, 25 February 2010

Rose From The Heart Bonnets

Norma Bean was brilliant in telling the story and the quest of Australian Artist Christina Henri, living in Tasmania. Her quest of making a bonnet for the Memorial to all the convict women transported to Australia. Which from records was approximately 25,566. Each bonnet will signify the bravery and grit of 'The Roses' which were torn from their roots for crimes that in Norma's words and many eyes,"required pity more than punishment and they were pawns to a slave trade for stealing as little as a loaf of bread!"
These brave women suffered dreadfully on the journey there which remember took up to a year and sometimes two if they were held on a waiting prison ship. On arrival then went to the factory to hardship and suffering. These are the pioneering women of Australia but they stand for the determination of survival that is outstanding.
If you would like to know more or would like to adopt a brave Rose and make a bonnet. please email Norma. or to learn more about the Roses on the database and history visit Artist

Please a plea from Norma all those that have had a pattern,please make and send your bonnet!

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