
Saturday, 4 May 2013

Metal and Sequins

OO I just love this piece of sequinned trim and wanted to 
use it in my sketchbook so added the circle and scalloped metal
sample to it. It has given a great continuation and of course
sequins are foiled so continues the theme of my sketchbook.
See Sarah Lawrences book for more inspiration.
"Stitch, Cloth Shimmer and Shine"
See her blog HERE

Sweet Foil Sample

I love using recycled items to make glorious textures. this one on the right 
is made up of a piece of felt,
 Bondaweb and then sweet foils and Christmas party hats applied
making sure I use parchment or baking paper to protect my iron.
You can then stitch all over it.
Use an open machine embroidery stitch as the close ones
will perforate the foil.
To seal the surface so that it can be used as a book cover
or have durability paint on acrylic wax or
soft beeswax or soft boot polish.
Allow it to harden before you buff!
See more metal samples by clicking the written labels below.

Metal Samples

With teaching workshops and City and Guilds 
I have had many metal samples over the years and this was the time
to put them all together in a sketchbook.
I have enjoyed putting them in some sort of order so I can
use them to demonstrate techniques and inspire 
metal creativity. 
All the metal comes from recycled drinks can and some
I like to burn metal with a blow lamp or Creme' Brulee' Torch.
Health and Safety needs to be considered here remember! 
See my previous post HERE
If you go to far the metal will burn through.
I have also used cat food tins in the past for exhibition artwork.
See "Rabbit Armour" HERE

Lifeline 4 Chernobyl

On the last Sunday of every month Stewart and I volunteer ourselves
to The Lifeline 4 Chernobyl Charity. 
They hold an auction and auction off all the donated items that
have been collected.
We collect all month too from many different sources and deliver on that day to.
We do our bit by raising money making teas, coffee and sandwiches.
Pauline and John live the charity 24/7 and we really do admire their hard work.
It is a very difficult task as most have forgotten the nuclear incident that
happened 26 years ago. 
See their website by visiting HERE

Jills Craft Studio

If I get a Friday off I do like a bit of retail therapy and it
often leads me to Jill's Craft Studio in Kings Lynn.
She showed me some of her new stamps and treasures
and I picked up lots of different embellishing powders for
the metal section of the courses I am teaching.
I then went into town and brought some sparkly materials in 
The Fent Shop. One of my favourites for buying the
unusual and the traditional alike.
Visit The Fent Shop HERE
I grabbed some lunch and then went to see a friend, Jamila, in Snettisham,
for the afternoon. We do lots of catching up,with our work,
gardens Jamila is in the process of studying for Creative Textile Diploma.
See her blog about her work HERE

Kings Lynn Embroiderer's Guild

March Embroiderers Guild meeting was pretty busy
with plans for the Exhibition, getting to know new members
and making cards and embroidered items for the exhibition stall.
I met several new members, Daphne who makes
exquisite small embroidered pieces like the butterfly above.
They are so delicate and must take hours to make. 
She too has a log cabin studio in the garden.
I also met Avril that embroiders blackwork and
she had designed a new design with the skull and bones.
All in Blackwork stitches!
I sat, chatted and made the embroidered card.
See more of what the Guild does HERE

101 Quilts

I am catching up blogging so will fill you in with some more of 
my creative shared days.
I was invited to talk about my 101 Quilts at t Sewing Group at 
North Elham. 
A lovely group of ladies who really wanted to know how they 
were made and techniques.
As you can see by the pile of quilts on the table it was a small venue.
Janet's "Shed" as she calls it, a converted cottage in the garden.
A lovely space for creating textiles and sharing with friends.
I had a lovely afternoon and we finished with tea and cake!
Thank you so much for inviting me and the donation to 
my charities.
See more talk by clicking the labels below.