
Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Folded and Twisted Hexagon Flowers

These are some of the Folded and Twisted Hexagons that the participants on 
Textile Tuesday made. The fabric hexagon is one that fits an A4 width of paper. 
You need them large to begin with because the hexagon
flower will end up half the size.
It was a real morning of concentration due to all the folds and 
needle techniques.
I had started with the easier Twisted Square to begin with
so they weren't overwhelmed by all the folding.
Some went away and made enough to make a bag!
You join each hexagon flower by putting right sides together and
 over sewing.
To see how they are made visit a video on my tech site 

Jo's First Creative Textiles Session

Jo has not long moved to Norfolk and has come along to her first 
Textile Tuesday Session @ The Art Room.
She brought along a quilt to show us, which we all admired 
and she was soon joining in with 'Twisted Squares and Hexagons'.
We also admired her very neat sewing bag which is a recycled 
car cleaning bag. Very nifty and such a good idea.
Jo admitted the car cleaning kit is long gone but the bag is great.
We all love to see how others store and arrange their sewing supplies.
Thanks Jo and lovely to see you.

Monday City and Guilds Textiles

City and Guilds Creative Textiles is half way through now and 
everyone has lots of work to show and are really cracking on 
with their projects. There is techniques to learn each week
 and students also bring in items that they 'Show and Tell',
that is relevant to the session. This week it was buttons,
Hence the buttons on the bag and Twisted Squares and Hexagons.
I started teaching with origami and then went through to showing 
how to make the fabric folded squares and hexagons.
Everyone has enjoyed the challenge and like the little bit
of 'magic'. 

Invest in Your Work

This booklet made me smile.
It was a booklet as you can see printed in 1937,
with all the fashionable embroidery stitches of the time in it.
Stitches that I often teach on a daily bases.
A lovely little booklet and on the back page
an advert which could be relevant for today,
'Invest your work with beauty that lasts'.
Teaching Creative Classes I inspire my students to 
play, explore techniques and really enjoy their creativity.
This shows in the results they get and what they share with others.
Enjoy and celebrate your creativity.

Textile Thursday

Textile Classes are always fun and so many amazing textiles are created.
We 'Show and Tell, every session and this inspire others.
I share a technique each week and there are so many techniques
the worlds are oyster.
There's lots off laughter too!
Mo above, is making a cushion/ pillow for her daughter to 
take in her pack back around the world.
She was telling us some of her stories!
I love bag making and I show different ones each month.
The ones above are based on sixteen 5" squares, with
a twist.
What a session!
See more by clicking on the written labels below.