
Saturday, 9 February 2013

Lace and the Cloth

Janet has made several table runners,
 this week she showed us one she has made the lace for all round it and
  the lace inserts are made using water soluble fabric.
It is truly beautiful.
I love all things lace and constantly using the pieces I have inherited.
I must admit though some pieces I just want to stoke and admire.
I have recently purchased some antique pieces and will show
 you the hanging pockets I am making to store all my lace treasures in. 
If you want to see more of my vintage lace creations click
If you want to visit another beautiful creative blog visit
Cottage Dreams and then I will see you back for more posts.

textile Thursday is all about Quilting of all different types.
This week it was all about Quilts!
Here HeatherAnne is sharing her Japanese inspired Quilts.
We had a good 'Show and Tell' about how they were made and
what patterns were called and how they were put together.
HeatherAnne had used two different ways of putting the quilts together.
'Quilt as you go' and Whole quilt pinning.
Thank you HeatherAnne for sharing.

Downton Abbey Inspiration

After posting about Jeanette's Downton Abbey embroidered page I decided to do some research and found a blog called LoveMegan  and the choker above is made by her. Megan's site is a beautiful one to visit and explore. So enjoy and I will see you back later to view my new posts.