
Friday, 26 April 2013

Hilary's Fabric Book

Hilary has made a fantastic fabric book which contains pages
which celebrate all the countries she has visited on holiday.
Keepsakes, photographs, postcards and memories are all
sewn together to make an amazing book. 
It caused quite a stir as you can see. 
Every page Hilary told us the stories of her trips and the memories
of the photo taken, the smells, the food and the places that
the family shared. 
I just love holiday books and I endorse anyone to do this,
a scrapbook/ sketchbook of your memories. 
I am often found on holiday in the cafe or lounge area,
sticking and gluing my trip of the day or keepsakes.
Often people stop and chat about, "What are you doing?",
I explain and they often say,
 "What a good idea, I have a plastic bag or box of holiday stuff and
never knew what to do with all the other stuff, you know? 
I put some of the photos in an album".
Some often join me the day after because they have found a book
while out for the day to start!
I share anywhere!!!
Thank you Hilary for sharing such a wonderful treasure and making 
many of us plan our next trip!
See some of my holiday sketchbooks HERE
I will be teaching a ten week course in September 2013 
on Creative Textiles which will be mounted in a fabric book.
This shows you different textile techniques and 
fabric book construction.
I will also be teaching two evening workshops 
with the Embroiderers Guild in 2014.
See a previous class that had the success of passing their 
City and Guilds Level One Creative Textiles HERE
Click the written and photo labels below to view more.

Embellished Flower Brooches

While we were having our textile session at Cancer Care
Beryl popped in with some of her Embellished Flower Brooches.
For the Centre to sell at their coffee morning which they hold once a 
month on the last Tuesday.
Beryl has been coming along to textiles for 18 months and her first 
session with me was on the Embellisher Machine,
she fell in love with the technique and got a machine immediately.
She is now a master and her Embellished Flower Brooches
 don't stay unsold for  long, 
as you can see by the hand coming into the photo!
See Beryl's first session with me HERE
See more Embellished Flowers HERE
See Embellished Flower Cards HERE
See Embellished work on my portfolio site HERE
Click the written labels under this post to see more embellishments.

Patchwork Chair Cover

Liz has been working on a cover for her chair at home
to make it more cosy and comfortable.
She loves colour and has enjoyed learning lots of
 Patchwork and Quilting techniques.
She demonstrated how it would work on one of the
chairs at Cancer Care.
We were all amazed when Liz did the reverse
show too!
She reckons it was the side when visitors are coming round
so the colours are not in their face!
Textile Sessions are every Thursday at Cancer Care Dereham.
10am-12.15 and 12.30-2.45.

March Alveva Quilt Meeting

Alveva Quilters meet the third Wednesday evening of most months.
At The Methodist Hall  Feltwell.
From 7pm until 9
There is always lots to see, share and learn.
We start with the notices and catch up and then "Show and Tell".
This month there were quilts and Liz showed us her
quilted cushion which was beautifully done.
All are welcome so come along and share.
Lucy Summers was our speaker for the evening, 
Sharing her quilts with the fabric she has designed herself for Moda.
See the post
See her website HERE

Lucy Summers

Lucy Summers gave a talk at Alveva Quilters. 
See previous post HERE
She showed us her fabrics and quilts that she had made with them.
She then went on to demonstrate her layered screen printing technique
using Thermofax Screens. 
She then got several members to have a go and have their own 
piece of fabric. I had a screen print too!
You can see Lucy's quilts are very colourful and she often uses a 
'improve' technique to make them.
 You use what ever fabric you have and make small areas
of patchwork and then join them together.
She was also excited to show and tell us about her new book. 
Which comes out soon!
A great evening and we all brought some of her fabric 
or one of her china mugs.
See Lucy's blog with all her work HERE

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Corset Bag

Sara has made this Corset Bag for the 3D object for her
City and Guilds Creative Textiles. It is a beautiful piece of work. 
incorporating many techniques. The bodice sections
are equisite pieces of textured embroidery and beading.
The handle is made with a twisted strip with made cording through it. 
It is lined and has a zipped inner pocket.
Just fantastic. See more of Sara's corsets HERE

Mixed Media Textile Samples

Lots of layering of textures and textiles make for interesting
backgrounds ready for main pieces to be applied to them with
various techniques. 

Mousehole Cat's Dream Catcher

 Gill has really enjoyed doing Creative Textiles City and Guilds Part 2.
This shows in her depth of research and detailed pieces and samples.
Here, is a  Smaller Dream Catcher a section of her Mousehole Cat's Dream Catcher.
It is going to be a large Dream catcher with smaller 'bubbles' or dream catchers inside.
The one above being one of them.
It was made using the top section of a fisherman's keep net
and then lots of mixed media textile work.
The origina idea came from Gill's exploration of Dorset Buttons.
If you don't know about the lovely Cornish story about
a Mousehole Fisherman Tom Bawcock.
Written by Antonia Barber and
illustrated by Nicola Bayley. 
'The Mousehole Cat" click HERE   
to see a small illustrated clip of the video.
or watch
This is a video of the Mousehole Cat read by Sian Philips&nbsp ;
The Mousehole Cat Part 1 from Shakespeare Junior School on Vimeo.

I am really looking forward to seeing the completed piece.

Stained Glass Patchwork Fuchsias

Judith's Fuchsias are made using the stained glass patchwork technique.
It takes a bit of planning and drawing out but as you can
see the results are stunning.
Judith decided she wanted to use vibrant silks and this
technique is great for this as it covers the raw edges but also
gives the impression of a window shining. 
I drew a pattern out of the design first, 
sometimes students just want to start then and there,
so I have to be pretty inventive!
 Using this outline drawing Judith traced each
piece onto freezer paper and then each piece was numbered and labelled.
The drawing was labelled and numbered as well.
You then make a background fabric for all the pieces to go
onto. See Judith in this post HERE 
beginning the process.
It is a case of starting from one corner
and laying the pieces down making sure you overlap
where necessary and consider how you are going
to place the black bias binding so it neatens edges and 
covers edges.
This is Judith's first wallhanging like this and it
is beautiful. The striking pink edging has really put a wow
to the finish.

Girls Day Out Bag

Helen brought in her bag that her
"Girls Day Out Quilt" goes in. 
She made it from all of the scraps left over.
It is so lovely and has the charm of the quilt itself.
To see Helen's inspiration and quilt click HERE
The quilt is such a labour of love and beautiful to see.

Busy Sewing

We are starting to call Sylvia an 'Elf'.
In the nicest possible way of course as she comes to class with a 
bags full of goodies she has made or has been finishing off.
She is also making her Christmas presents each month and as they seem
to be seven or eight at a time due to her many friends,
hence the term Elf!
The little gift purses are ideal for a gift card, jewellery, small
gift and a little note. Each are unique and they are
beautifully finished with the embellished fasteners.
I have been encouraging the finish of items especially with
fasteners. You can make an item look far more by
adding just simple finishes touches such as,
instead of just sewing a pop stud on. It makes an
item look hand made. If you decorate a circle
of felt or fabric and then sew the pop stud onto this it
makes the item look more crafted and expensive. 
It also draws less attention  to the press stud!
Which often because of its nature stands out in not a good way!
Sylvia had also made a Kindle Bag and Cot Quilt for a
new baby!
Busy lady and a lovely Elf!

U3A Patchwork and Quilting Workshop

In March I taught the Down Market U3A Patchwork and Quilting Group
Twisted Squares and Folded Patchwork, shapes and strips.
(U3A, "university of the third age").
Every hour, there was a new technique and ways of continuing them
on, into patterns which could be parts of wallhangings, cushions or quilts.
Some, liked the Twisted Square,  a bit of magic. Others like the 
folded hexagons these can make your eyes and fingers go twitchey. 
The Cathedral Windows made as doubles and the Twisted Strips 
something different!
Origami in fabric is always a good exercise because you are taking a 
2D flat fabric surface and making it into a 3D with folds, tucks, pleats and
stitch. The manipulation of the fabric add another dimension 
you can't get any other way
Everyone enjoyed the day and you can see by the table of samples,
lots of good results. It also opened many boxes in the brain
 that hadn't been opened for a long time.
I like stretching the brain muscles with simple exercise
that turn out great results.
From this the group decided to make a block up from the squares
for the Sampler Quilt they are each making.
I was asked if I would teach the block
"New York Beauty"
 at the next workshop in June.
See more of the folded patchwork 
by clicking the written labels below.