
Saturday, 28 January 2012

Friday Morning With Barbara

On Friday morning I went to help Barbara,
(one of the Coven Quilters) with
a Star Quilt she had started sometime ago and getting
the pieces out again, she wasn't quite sure how they all go together.
There were strips missing from each piece and picking up a pattern
you have left for a while is always difficult.
A real puzzle!
We laid them out on the floor and it then started to come together.
I laid my original Star Quilt underneath and we began to
concentrate on one side of the quilt.
Three hours later, half the quilt star was assembled.
It will look fantastic.
Barbara hopes to give it as a gift when it is finished.
See my Star Quilt on the right of this post.

Silk Quilts and Stitch

Some of my Students come along once a month
to continue their quilt making or enjoy learning
a new technique.
Here Janice shows off her Silk Quilt, a real beauty.
It is made all from triangles and quilted by hand.
Janice is now making a quilted bed runner.
See more of what goes on at Knit Wits
by clicking on the written labels below.


These are mother and daughter projects. Mother is making a
table runner in blue and purple strips and daughter
is making a 24" by 56" striped wall hanging in rich colours and
fabrics. lots of textures and trimmings.
Very different ideas but the same technique.
See my Banner and Strip Quilts

Quilts Making at Knit Wits

The last Thursday Quilting Session of the month is,
'Quilting and Patchwork Quilts'. This session
encourages students to tackle new techniques or Quilts
with help.
Above, are a variety of quilting styles, the top,
the beginning of a Sampler Quilt. Each week you learn
a different block, technique and this particular one is a,
'Quilt as You Go'.
The middle pictures are the start of a Rustic 9 patch,
made from a jelly roll and left over scraps.
It is often wise if you are not sure if your
colours go together, is to lay them together or
make a colour swatch, like the one above.
The Blue Windmill Triangle piece is a Sewing Machine Mat
and practices cutting and piecing triangles.
See more of my techniques on my
portfolio site