
Monday, 31 October 2011

Halloween Tribute

I made these bowls last week to put in Knit Wits window
to advertise the fun fabric in store.
They are made by drawing round a dinner plate,
twice and cutting it out. Lay one of your circles
on some cotton fusible batting and cut out.
Lay your base fabric, wrong side looking
at you. Then the batting and then the top fabric
good side looking at you. Pin together.
Sew a gather stitch all the way round
the top of your circle edge.
and pull together to form your bowl.
Pin your wide ribbon in place and zig zag stitch
in place, (like a bias binding edging)
neaten off the join.
Vola' a bowl!
The Pumpkins are from our garden.
See my Monster mash tribute on my
tech site

Lace Folded Purse

Monday 31st October!!!!!! :-\
I am always looking out for folded bag patterns
and I came across a beaded and decorated one on You tube.
So I decided to make this and decorate mine with lace
and machine embroidery.
I think I will make several of these as gifts.
See more of my Lace and Vintage art pieces
on my portfolio site
The you tube video put on by a lovely
Australian lady is on my tech site

Green Lantern DVD

On Saturday night, Stewart and I had Movie Night
watching 'The Green Lantern'.
I watch, read and am inspired by many sources
and love watching the new DVD releases.
This one is very comic book!
See a clip on my Tech Site

Studio Day with Maggie and Kim

As you may know I open my studio throughout
the Summer for Students to come and work.
Most want to use the large table to finish and
bast their quilts.
I usually close my doors in September but
Kim asked me if I would do a special day
for her daughter Maggie to come along and
make something for a Birthday Treat.
(Kim is the Card and Scrapbooking Tutor
@The Gallery).
Maggie is 15 years old and is inspired to
have a career working in textiles.
Kim came along as the taxi driver and to
make some cards in my space!
It was a lovely day and Maggie brought along
Mum's sewing machine and learnt all about it
and got to play on my embroidery machine too!
She will be a fantastic designer you can see that
by her 'Folded Bag' above and visit her
Blog at
also Kims Card Making Blog

On Friday, I got a call from Jill at
'Jill's Crafting Studio', to say there was a
space in her afternoon class and
would I like to come along.
I jumped at the chance and off I went.
Jill's Card Studio Shop is so light and airy and
We were soon making a Tri Folded Christmas Card.
(See mine above). Two hours went so quick and
it was lovely meeting other card enthusiasts.
I am still at the beginner stage!!!!
Learnt lots and enjoyed the time.
Thank you to Jill and the ladies.

Thursday 27th Quilting Class at Knit Wits

The last Thursday of every month is
Quilts and Quilt Making at Knit Wits in Dereham.
Its really getting lovely now as students are bringing
in lots of finished work and showing
and sharing.
As you can see by the photos above there are
cushions. Christmas runners,
(love the Robin fabric in this one,
well done Irene)
and quilts at there start.
See more by clicking the written labels below
or see a workshop list above.

Embroidery Guild Felt Making

On Wednesday 26th of October Bridget
came to speak to our local Branch of The Embroiderers Guild,
in Kings Lynn. Bridget spoke to us about the history
in general of felting and then also about East Anglian
Felting History, especially Norwich which was
really interesting.
She then got us down to work making, Felt Flowers.
She had brought all the equipment with her
and it wasn't long before we were
'Faffing', a technical term picked up by Sandra!
and tufting our wool tops into circle shapes,
on bubble wrap, as you can see above.
It was then sponging them down with soapy water
and rolling and rolling out a couple of hundred times.
This was fun watching as I went around the room
taking photographs.
Even though I have made lots of felt myself
it is wonderful taking part in a group activity
and I had not made these type of flower before.
We then soaked our little bits of damp fluff in
clean water and worked into them, pulling and
stretching them tighter and into flower shapes as they
began to shrink.
These we then shaped around or fingers or pens to form a
centre of the flower and secured with elastic bands.
We all had a lovely time and all went home with
extra pieces of wool top to make stamens or centres
and a lovely sturdy brooch pin to sew on the back.
My flower is the top purple flower,
looking a bit wild! with its unusual petals!
Visit our Guild Site
or visit Bridget's site