
Saturday, 3 September 2011

Diary Cover

This week classes start again and they begin with,
'All Things Stripped'.
I needed a new academic calendar and of course it needed a better cover!
Keeping to theme the 'Purple' and the 'Strips'.
See more of my purple items made by clicking
The cover is ready to be fitted to the diary.
See a video on how to cover a diary with your own textile slip cover
by visiting my video tech site

Tree Pruning

This week, Stewart and I have put in over 5-6 hours of gardening
everyday to prepare the garden for the Winter!
There's been some nice harvesting, making wine and bottling
but most of it has been hard landscaping!
The picture above, shows only some of the Pom Pom Buddleia
tree we pruned. As you can see it covers the side lawn!
Some of the branches had grown over 8 feet tall this year!
All the garden waste has to be taken the 150m to the bottom
of the garden where we have a burning and compost area.
All the garden waste gets composted and the put back on the garden.
Even the ash from the fire goes on the empty beds, we have just
harvested from along with compost bins, covered with
black recycled plastic and left for the worms to enjoy and
no weeds when we come to plant next Spring.
Gardens are lovely but boy! do they take work!