
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Sampler Quilt

I have been working on The Sampler Quilt for the last few
weeks. Tuesday I went into Dereham
to change my quilt in the window display.
So, here is the Sampler Quilt in Knit Wits Window
advertising the new Fabric Department
and also classes that start in September.
It will be in the window for a couple of weeks.
Fiona is basing the rest of the window on Purples and Blues.
See my workshop and class details

Coven Quilters

Well, I have got Blog catching up to do!
I have had a week of no teaching but catching up
with friends and doing things at a slower pace.
So, last Monday I tided up the studio because
the Coven Quilting Girls came to me for the Summer meeting.
We were missing Barbara as she was getting
ready for her long haul road trip to her daughters in
As you can see the girls got comfy and my book library
was well and truely gone through!
Lots of laughter and sharing as usual and I made
a lemon cake for refreshments!
I don't make alot of cakes but for the GIRLS!
See more of our Coven meetings by
clicking on the written labels below this post.