
Monday, 22 August 2011

Studio Day with Judith and Janice

On Thursday I opened my studio for Janice and Judith
so they could have a Patchwork and Quilting Day.
Janice cut out all her silks into squares last time and sew
and cut them into triangles.
This time she arranged them into the rows and
began sewing the squares together to form the
rows, after we checked there
weren't two triangles directly next to one another.
On the 8ft table,
Judith was putting the borders on her quilt top
and then started piecing the fabric and scraps
together to form a backing.
I worked them both very hard that day!
but they loved it!!!
See more of my studio on my website

Card Making Wednesday August

On Wednesday it was Card Making with Kim
@The Gallery.
You can see we were all busy creating our collaged cards.
It always amazes me that we start with the same
art materials available but we all create different cards.
Kim wanted us to try more collaging in this week.
I learnt alot more tips and storage solutions too!
We had a wonderful morning and in the afternoon
Kim and I put the mornings photos on her new Blog.
See Kim's new blog
See my card and papercraft blog

Pat's Finished Mixed Media Textile

Pat has finished her Mixed Media Textile and it
is fabulous. She used many different techniques from
layering, stamping, machine and hand stitches and lots
of work with the soldering iron.
Many different fabrics and threads were used to build
up the layers.
Well done Pat!
This is now going to be mounted on a deep canvas.
See more mixed media pieces by clicking the written
label below.

Jeanette's New Project

As you may know Jeanette has made and finished some amazing
textile pieces such as 'Leaves' and 'Bolliwood',
she is now started making a decorative box made
with the a new selection of fabrics and trimmings.
Everyone was eager to see what colour she had chosen
and when she revealed her new colour was a beautiful lime
green it got everyone talking.
See more of what happens @The Gallery