
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

More Cottage Flower Quilts

In between gardening today, I finished cutting and piecing
this next quilt today. It is made from the fabric scraps from of the
first Cottage Flower Quilt.
I used the similar brick path strip pattern but smaller,
than the first quilt.
(3 and a quarter" by 5").
The borders are yet to go on. I will hopefully
get round that tomorrow in between
more gardening and quilting.
The garden takes first priority when I am holiday from
work, so it is easy care the rest of the Summer.
More tomatoes, pumpkins and courgettes were
planted out today.
The runner beans need transplanting tomorrow,
if the weather is good.
We are picking Asparagus most days now.
See more of my quilts and garden on my website

Cottage Quilt

With all the gardening over the weekend I needed
to get back to quilting and here is a
quillow sized quilt inspired by cottage flowers.
It is made with 'brick' shaped blocks, each
5" by 10" and placed in strips. It is now ready for quilting.
See more of my quilts on my

Tree House Transformation

Jennifer's treehouse was built 15 years ago and this week
she was 20!
Underneath it, we have always used it as a wood store
for the fire and log burner.
Stewart and I decided that it was finally time to transform
the area. It was difficult as the tree house has
been part of many happy memories and has been a key
shade spot in the garden.
We wanted to re-cycle the wooden frame to form
a wood store. as you can see we managed it
and now it has planting round it so it looks
like it has been there for a long time!
It took two days over the Easter weekend to do.
We are now happy that we no longer have to duck so
low to get at the wood!
Stewart has put a wicker fencing in front now
and it looks like we could put a Reindeer in it!!!
See more of our garden by clicking

My Fair Lady

On evening of the 20th of April,
The Coven Quilters were invited as guests,
to see the opening night of "My Fair Lady".
The production was put on by 'KLODS',
Kings Lynn Operatic and Dramatic Society and
Directed by Amanda Arterton.
It was a wonderful production everyone was amazing but
the lead roles, Eliza Dolittle performed by LaurenHoskins
and Professor Higgins by Kevin Shippey were
outstanding. The quilt we had made for fundraising
was in the foyer and the raffle tickets were selling well,
it is going to be drawn in May.
We had such a special evening together,
I felt very special!
Thank you to CLODs and the organisers.