
Monday, 14 March 2011

Quilting Beginnings

This is the quilt sewn by the beginners in a few hours at the Weeting

Quilters meeting.

It was a wonderful meeting and all are welcome to help make,

donate fabrics and quilts for Ann's Legacy and in her words,

"To everyone who feels as compassionate about the situation of those forgotten people as I am, I give you my grateful thanks.


Weeting Quilting Group

I was invited along to Weeting Quilt Group on Monday.

They meet the second Monday of every month at Weeting Community Centre from 11.30am until 3pm. Everyone made me feel very welcome and we were all sewing almost straight away.

Even new ladies whom it was their first time were taken under several peoples wing

and showed how to choose fabric, cut sew and were soon machining strips together.

At lunch time we stopped for lunch of course but also 'Show and Tell'.

The reason I had been invited by Chris the organiser was to join in on a project started by Ann, Chris's dear friend who has just died from cancer, after just 12 weeks after being told.

She wanted to leave a legacy of quilts and quilt making for the victims of The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. It is 25 years after the event but the land will not be safe for

up to 600 years. Even though people are not living close to the area

the surrounding land is still contaminated.

The children have grown up and because they have had to eat the contaminated food and breathe the air they are having childbirth issues and their life expectancy and conditions mean many are placed in institutions for the rest of their lives.

Ann wanted to help a small local charity at Salters Lode to take warm quilts and

items when they go out to Belarus several times a year. So Chris is fulfilling her friends

wish and she showed us several of the quilts.

There will be a blog shortly so you can see the blog

and Anne's Legacy at work.

See Lifeline 4 Chernobyl a wonderful website

and so insightful

Fat Quarters

These are the fat quarters I was brought for Alveva Quilters

fabric box. We also have them as our raffle prizes so the box

needs regular stocking up.

Stewart helped me choose them from the different

fat quarter tubs around the hut.

It has to be a mixture so there is something for

everyone's taste.

So what is a fat quarter?

The best way to explain this is, you take a metre

or yard of fabric and when you divide it normally into the

four divisions across, these would be "long quarters'.

They are 25 cms wide by how ever long the fabric is

but when you cut the yard or metre in half

and then halve it fat ways you have four large rectangles or

what Quilters call "Fat Quarters".

See what I do with my fabrics on my website

Fabric Shopping

OOooo, every quilter loves to go fabric shopping,

especially when it is for someone else!

Chilford Quilt Exhibition was on at Linton

near Cambridge but I decided to go to

Shan's at The Scout Hut in Hunstanton.

This is just part of one wall of fabric!!

So much choice you always find something to

match or get started on.