
Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Journal page 2011

So first page of my new made journal all about Goal setting and
how to maintain your ideas and enthusiasm!
I loved putting the pages together and creating out of a pile of old
magazines! I mean old, some were from the 80's and older.
I don't buy many magazines these days.
I grabbed a pile from the studio over Christmas to go through,
a real mis mash of gardening, craft and fashion,
many I had been given.
I flicked through pulling out the odd thing that was of
interest and left it all in a pile.
You know,one of those piles you get round to and it
gets bigger if you don't do something about it!
Now normally they would have gone straight into recycling
but with going away and flu they stayed in their box ready!
I must have known I would be needing them.
So on Tuesday I sat down and creatively went wild!
See more of my sketchbooks on my website
click on this link

Making a Journal

I normally start a new sketchbook at the start of a New Year
but this year I wanted to try something different and make my own,
using the skills I use with my gift books and years of sketchbooking.
(see my Decembers video post)
I also love the journal pages of Teesha Moore so
followed her instructions and made my own journal
and had some fun cutting out pictures and journaling in a
Goal Journal.
I am putting down ideas and inspiration for 2011.
Thank you to Teesha, this inspiration started my creativity going
due to the flu flooring me!
See Teesha's how to technique videos on her site.


It's the start of a New Year and we all have things on our lists
that we want to do. I don't do resolutions any more,
I make a list of the things I want to do
and the wish things as well.
Last year I promised myself to be creative everyday and I was.
I kept myself accountable to this by blogging my creativity nearly everyday.
I published 491 posts so that is more than one a day!
Towards the end of November and all of the December
I was creating and making peoples presents none stop.
So couldn't blog etc, even I got tired and hated the computer!
Thank you, to all my customers and the lovely
people who commented on this blog and my website
This year started with the flu, I have slept for England thats all we could do!
I am now being creative again
and now feel like sharing.
Good Luck with all your GOALS this Year!

Happy New Year Everyone

Happy New Year Everyone.
Well, what a creative year 2010 was and it went so fast too!
Hope everyone has a good 2011!