
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Sampler Quilt

I have been working on The Sampler Quilt for the last few
weeks. Tuesday I went into Dereham
to change my quilt in the window display.
So, here is the Sampler Quilt in Knit Wits Window
advertising the new Fabric Department
and also classes that start in September.
It will be in the window for a couple of weeks.
Fiona is basing the rest of the window on Purples and Blues.
See my workshop and class details

Coven Quilters

Well, I have got Blog catching up to do!
I have had a week of no teaching but catching up
with friends and doing things at a slower pace.
So, last Monday I tided up the studio because
the Coven Quilting Girls came to me for the Summer meeting.
We were missing Barbara as she was getting
ready for her long haul road trip to her daughters in
As you can see the girls got comfy and my book library
was well and truely gone through!
Lots of laughter and sharing as usual and I made
a lemon cake for refreshments!
I don't make alot of cakes but for the GIRLS!
See more of our Coven meetings by
clicking on the written labels below this post.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Studio Day with Judith and Janice

On Thursday I opened my studio for Janice and Judith
so they could have a Patchwork and Quilting Day.
Janice cut out all her silks into squares last time and sew
and cut them into triangles.
This time she arranged them into the rows and
began sewing the squares together to form the
rows, after we checked there
weren't two triangles directly next to one another.
On the 8ft table,
Judith was putting the borders on her quilt top
and then started piecing the fabric and scraps
together to form a backing.
I worked them both very hard that day!
but they loved it!!!
See more of my studio on my website

Card Making Wednesday August

On Wednesday it was Card Making with Kim
@The Gallery.
You can see we were all busy creating our collaged cards.
It always amazes me that we start with the same
art materials available but we all create different cards.
Kim wanted us to try more collaging in this week.
I learnt alot more tips and storage solutions too!
We had a wonderful morning and in the afternoon
Kim and I put the mornings photos on her new Blog.
See Kim's new blog
See my card and papercraft blog

Pat's Finished Mixed Media Textile

Pat has finished her Mixed Media Textile and it
is fabulous. She used many different techniques from
layering, stamping, machine and hand stitches and lots
of work with the soldering iron.
Many different fabrics and threads were used to build
up the layers.
Well done Pat!
This is now going to be mounted on a deep canvas.
See more mixed media pieces by clicking the written
label below.

Jeanette's New Project

As you may know Jeanette has made and finished some amazing
textile pieces such as 'Leaves' and 'Bolliwood',
she is now started making a decorative box made
with the a new selection of fabrics and trimmings.
Everyone was eager to see what colour she had chosen
and when she revealed her new colour was a beautiful lime
green it got everyone talking.
See more of what happens @The Gallery

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Brenda's Strip Embroidered Cushion

Brenda has finished her cushion for her daughter.
She has made one for herself, a pink one for her Grand Daughter
and this one for her Daughter.
They all use different fabrics, stitches and embroidery.
Well done Brenda they look great.
I will be teaching these cushion at
Knit Wits on the Thursday 13th of October.
See more of my Crazy Patchwork Strip Cushions
on my website

Gallery Day 16th August 2010

Beryl, a new lady to Mixed Media Tuesdays wanted to start
Patchwork and quilting with a small project.
This is a pram quilt for her Grand Daughters,
Dolls Pram.
Last week Beryl tried Felt Embellishing and has since
gone out and brought herself an Embellisher Machine!

Monday Quilts

On Monday I put the borders and the border batting and backing
fabric on The Sampler Quilt.
I also made a Hungry Caterpillar quilt top out of
the panels and fabric I had left over from making my first
Hungry Caterpillar Quilt.
See more of my caterpillars by clicking the links below

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Kim Crops New Blog

On Friday I went to Kim's Home to show her how to set
up a blog and get her wonderful work on the world wide web.
Kim teaches Cardmaking and Scrapbooking
@The Gallery on a Wednesday morning.
She is an inspirational teacher with the way she uses
equipment and her vast papercraft knowledge.
We had a lovely day and I got to see
her Crafting Studio! WOW!
Everything is so organised and she
has loads of tips, see some on her website.
Thank you Kim, for a lovely lunch and sharing your day.
I am so pleased you are on the web.
Visit Kim's blog at

Knit Wits Quilt Day

On Thursday I was in Knit Wits of Dereham.
I set up a quilt display and finished quilting the pink
baby quilt as well as sewing two borders for the
Sampler Quilt. I have been putting this together,
ready for it to go in Knit Wits shop window.
We had lots of visitors and you are now able to
sign up for the Patchwork and Quilting Class
at the shop. You can see what classes are available
by looking in my Workshop Page above.
Or click HERE
Visit Knit Wits website at

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Embroidered Leaves Wall Hanging Finished

Jeanette put the last finishing touches to her
'Embroidered Leaves Wall Hanging', with the
soldering iron and WOW!
doesn't it look amazing?
It is now finished and she left it at
The Gallery for Haydn to frame it ready
to hang in The Gallery Art Space.
Well done! Jeanette for such
beautiful work.
See how this has progressed by clicking on
the written labels below this post,
especially the word leaves .
See more of what goes on at The Gallery

Beryl's Embellishment

Beryl had her first session @ The Gallery and
she made some embellished felt. This is a really
good piece and she is going to make a needlecase
out of it and some cards.
Beryl had also brought with her some of her
fabric stash and we had a look through and gave her some
She decided she would like to make a quilt for
her new Grandson.
See more of my embellishing on my website

Sylvia making a Patchwork Tablecloth

Sylvia was inspired by the Grand Mother's Fan Patchwork and
Lace Tablecloth I had brought in to show her for inspiration.
She wanted to know what she could do with all her
handmade lace and linens she had inherited from her
Dereham's Lace Making Group meets on a Monday,
where Sylvia is a member.
So as you can see, she has set to work
and is making her own version of the cloth.
Well done Sylvia for doing so much
See my patchwork cloth on my
website on my Vintage page

Pats Samplers

Pat has been sorting out the boxes that came down from the loft
and she found two Samplers she made when she was about
the age of ten. They were to celebrate the Coronation.
They were lovely to see and share.
Thank you Pat.
Classes are lovely for this, 'The Show and Tell',
element. It always enriches all who shares.

Drum Carder

At the Weeting Quilters Meeting Diane who is also a
spinner and weaver brought in a car load of fleece,
some washed and some ready to prepare and
has let me borrow her spare drum carder.
This will make such a difference from hand carding.
I will have to get Stewart carding as he did such a good
job at carding at the Alpaca Farm.
See previuos post HERE

Weeting Quilters August Meeting

Monday was Weeting Quilters August meeting.
What a full and active meeting we had too.
Lots going on, sewing, learning, sharing and laughter.
Ida above one of Sue's students has finished putting
her Sampler Quilt together and is now making the border.
What a lovely meeting we all had.
See more of Weeting Quilters on their website

Monday, 8 August 2011

Purple Sampler Quilt

On Sunday, I went in the Studio, inspired
by The Sampler Quilts that some members are making
at Weeting Quilters (the meeting was the Monday!).
I found my Sampler
Blocks that I had made several years ago,
while teaching a Patchwork and Quilting Class.
(They are 'Quilt as You Go Blocks').
I arranged them and then sewed them into
the strips and then into the quilt top you
see above.
I just need to put the border on and finish quilting
the sashes.
I could show and tell while working on it at the
See more of my quilts on my website

Fabric Shopping at Shan's

Friday afternoon Stewart had the afternoon off so
we decided to go to Shan's at Hunstanton to
buy fabric for a commission for Will.
Will wants a quilt with colours yellow to green
and red to browns.
Shan's was as busy as ever as we arrived and
Stewart and I set about gathering the bolts for
the quilt. (You can see our choice above).
I think it will make a really good quilt.
Stewart HELPED! Shan with cutting
the wadding, notice I put HELPED in
capitals as they both decided to have fun
wafting and waving it up and down while
I was trying to work out how much I would
need for two quilts with it's width measurements.
Some people do anything for attention!!
I then chose some purple fabrics for myself for
a new project.
We left with a giggle as Shan had recounted
some of her funny stories of being a
fabric shop owner and I took a photo
as she was selling elastic to an
Italian gentleman.
It always amazes me how much fabric
and haberdashery items Shan gets in
her Hut!
Shan's website will be live shortly at
the end of August.

Knit Wits Quilt Display

On Thursday I was at Knit Wits in Dereham
where I set up a mini quilt display of my quilts.
I was there so that people who want to sign up for the
new Patchwork and Quilting Classes that
I am running at the shop could ask questions,
see more of my work and what sort of things they
could make.
There was lots of interest and the classes are
split into weeks.
Week One for Quilt Basics.
Week Two and Three for Projects
and Week Four for Quilt Making.
Everyone was lovely and some
had brought along their blocks and
work for advice too!
I am there with my quilts and more info
on Thursday 11th of August 2011,
I will be putting a full schedule of classes on my website
and you can see more of what happen at Knit Wits

Butterfly Card with Quote

On Wednesday it was card making and I made another
card with a butterfly on it.
This time adding textiles and a quote.
I also printed fabric and papers to cover a journal.
Thank you Kim, for sharing your time, inspiration
and equipment.
I am going to be helping Kim set up a blog this week,
so watch this space for her amazing
Card Making Blog.
You can now see Kim's Blog at
and my card making and paper craft blog at

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Machine Embroidered Leaves Nearly Finshed

Jeanette is now adding the last pieces and finishing touches to
her textile wall hanging.
It is a wonderful piece of work with so much detail.
Every leaf is different!
Well done Jeanette!
Click to enlarge.
See more of this wall hanging by
clicking on the written labels below.

Fantasy Trees Textile Wall Hanging

Pat has been working on this wall hanging on and
off between other projects since the beginning of
the year. There are so many different
textile layering techniques.
Pat started off with a white piece of calico and
a tree design which she had drawn in an Art Class.
Each tree is individual and is covered in detailed
artwork and stitch.
Pat made her label and stitched it on.
Well done Pat!
I have never seen anything like this anywhere.
and we all love unique!
To see more of the construction of Pat's
Wall Hanging, click on the written labels below
this post.

Crazy Work Heart Cushion

Barbara has nearly finished her Crazy Patchwork
Cushion she is making for a gift for her
Aunt and Uncle' s 60th Wedding Anniversary.
The cording and beading are going on the edge
as this photo was being taken!
See more crazy patchwork by clicking on the
written labels below this post.

Wet Felting Demo

This is the piece of wet felting
I produced as a demonstration piece at
The Alpaca Farm Open Day.
It is now ready to be embellished
and stitched.
See more of my embellished pieces
on my website

Demonstrating Felting and Carding

I was demonstrating feltmaking all day and Stewart
was using a drum carder all day!
There was so much interest.
He was carding and showing the difference between
sheeps' wool and Alpaca.
We had tubs of the different types of wools
to show the difference and my
mini exhibition showed how the wools felt
in different ways, wet and dry methods.
It was a wonderful day.
Visit the Alpaca Farm

My Stand at The Alpaca Farm Open Day

Last Sunday Stewart and I was at The
Alpaca Farm at Cranworth, Norfolk for their Open Day.
I was there demonstrating wet and dry felting.
I had a great Stand area where I was
able to se up a display of felt work,
a wet felting area and an embellisher area.
We had two embellisher machines, which were
felting away all day with the felting public
and in between Stewart was carding and I was
layering up wool to make a piece of wet felt
and showing the process in the afternoon.
It was a wonderful day and
Thank you to all who visited and Nikki, her
family and friends who made us so welcome.
Visit the Alpaca Farm

Alpaca Farm

Thursday, 4 August 2011