
Friday, 10 September 2010

Carol's Finished Quilt

Carol has really enjoyed learning Patchwork and Quilting
on a Tuesday @The Gallery.
This is a quilt made entirely of the scraps left over from her first quilt.
It's fantastic, the free machine quilting is so good!
Well done Carol!
See more of what happens at The Gallery

Gallery Day 7th September 2010

Lots of comings and goings @The Gallery as usual.
Pat and Margaret are both working on different mixed media.
Here Margaret is adding details to her page in an Altered Book inspired her her life.
Lots of painting, ripping papers and sticking and glueing.
See more of what goes on @ The Gallery at

More Art Tidies

There, six Art Tidies made, all hung round dinning table
ready to take to The Gallery.
I finished quilting the single animal quilt and the
red and black animal quillo too!
Put on the bias binding, just that to finish sewing on.
I'll show some pictures later of the finished quilts.
I hung them over a chair in the Gallery on Tuesday
and they got a lot of positive response.
See more of my quilts in my portfolio at

Art Tidies

These days I seem to be playing 'catch up' on alot of things
including updating my posts.
Well, on Monday I made another lot of 'Art Tidies'
for The Gallery as they had sold out.