
Saturday, 7 August 2010

Embellished Mesh Card Detail

I have really enjoyed making these cards.
The base is embellished felt and the mesh is
Florist Ribbon dyed and soldered.
Lots of beading and stitch as usual.
See more of my Embellished work on my art page portfollio on

Museum Day

I was demonstrating the Embellisher technique on Friday at the
Kings Lynn Museum. I had a lovely time and several visitors sat and
had a taster, making an ATC, so they could take them home.
The Embroiderer's Guild Exhibition is going well and lots of
lovely feedback.
I managed to make these cards while I was there.
These are available to buy.
See more of my work at


Well would you believe it?
Look what laid on our doorstep on Thursday.
A Hawk Moth Caterpillar.
It was huge.
I took this picture with it sat on a large laurel leaf on Stewart's hand.
Seems ironic with all the 'Hungry Caterpilla' workshops
I have been giving, more workshops next week.
We have seen the moth in the evening in the Summer,
over several years so they must like the garden.
See more of what goes on at
Quilters Cottage on this blog and

Thetford Forest

This is the lovely view we had from the car as we ate our
picnic on the way back from the Dentist at Mildenhall.
It as pouring with rain and looked so green in comparison
to our parched gardens at the moment.
Yes! You did read right, the Dentist!
We make a trip of it because it is not our favourite
appointment. Stewart and I got off lightly with a spring clean
but Jennifer had to have a filling re-filled! oooo!
This view made our morning better.

Gallery Day 3rd August 2010

Lots of comings and goings today.
Lots of enquiries about classes starting in September
and new artists wanting to book in for taster sessions.
Two even came back and started theirs so they can make
jewellery next week.
Judy was away feeling poorly, so hope you feel
better now.
The sample above is embellished wools and
a small amount of metallic gauze.
See more of what is going on @The Gallery and the move to.