Quilters Cottage Norfolk
A Contemporary Creative studio of Art and Textiles
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Monday, 17 May 2010
Metal Mystic 'Blue'
This is the complete wallhanging'Metal Mystic,Blue'
I have incorporated handwritten quotes on this piece to share with the viewer
the words of 'Mystics'.
The metal embellishments have been embossed,dyed and stitched.
See more of my work at
Metal Mystic 'Blue' Back
This is the back of the wallhanging called
.'Metal Mystic 'Blue'.
It is 14"by 14"
I have dated and signed it and also
included one of the quotes which I have written on the front.
"In times of change learners inherit the earth,
whilethe learnedfind themselves beautifully
equipped to work in a world
that no longer exists".
Eric Hoffer (1902-1983)
See more of the quotesI have used in my work at
Metal Mystic 'Blue' Planning
This is the planning stage of the second wallhanging from
'The Appothecary's Garden',
called, Metal Mystic, 'Blue'.
It's made with my own dyed fabrics and commercial ones I have adapted.
The metal decorations are pieces of alluminium.
I have embossed stained and stamped them.
See more of my work on my website
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