
Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Eastern Open

After being shown how to deal with my tax, I needed some art therapy, so went into Kings Lynn and visted The Arts Centre, where the Eastern Open Exhibition is on until 22 May.
It is even better than ever and so much inspiring art and medias.
Well done, to all the submitting artists.
See more information about The Arts centre at

Tax Course

This may send a shudder through many but today I went on a free Tax Course due to the changes and adaptions to the Self Employment Forms. I would recommend it if you haven't been on them they are really helpful and make it less alarming when you need to fill out the forms.
It's all part of being a professional artist!
See more of my work on

Gallery Day with Jenn

Jenn came to help out at The Gallery yesterday. She helped me sort out some of the fabrics and art supplies. I took a large display box on wheels which Stewart and I had stripped of paint, on Monday. It fits right in and will hold the costumes and fabric for workshops.

Jenn couldn't help herself, she had to have a go on the embellisher.

In the afternoon Carol learnt some more machine quilting techniques on her new machine which her husband brought her for a suprise. It arrived lastFriday. So let's just say Carol thinks it's Christmas and her Birthday all rolled into one. He has got alot of smarty points, he chose really well.
See more of The Gallery