
Wednesday, 27 January 2010

China Inspiration

Last night Judith Symonds came to our local branch of The Embroidery Guild and showed us her collection of textiles and clothing from Southern China. Wow! is all I could think of. The workmanship, stitches and abundance of colour on mainly black was breath taking. We had to 'multi- task' while Judith was giving us all the history and interest of a piece she would then send it round the room.
So picture this 10 minutes in, there were at least 20 or more textiles being past round with the chatter and gasps as someone laid eyes on the stitches and beauty. These pieces are made by young and old women alike and are equiste often recyled through the generations and remodelled into another sections of a garment making that one even more intricate.By the end of the evening there were so many pieces to re-look at you didn't know which one to choose.
I took pages of notes because I forgot! my camera, which I could really have kicked myself for.

I do have the tinge that these textiles are now in England and not in China but Judith is inspiring hundreds possible thousands with her talks, each time so, stitch heritage and the appreciation of culture will continue. I have more of a warm appreciation for my fellow ladies in a far away land, stitching in their different world.
Thank you Judith for showing and inspiring us.
I just wanted to go home and start again!

Linear Buisness Card Inspiration

The large printer at ProntoPrint decided to have gremlins and printed out an image it wanted, of Blue Moon first. I really like it, so it will hang on my inspiratonal board in the studio.

Buisness card Inspiration

Went to proof read my buisness cards and postcads today. Had to show you one of the sheets. The Blue Moon ones are just yummy!
See the tips on what to be aware of when ordering your buisness cards from a printers on my website

By the way there are no more Blue Moon ATC's for swapping now.The response and what inspires you have been wonderful. Thank you.


The inspiration from these leaves will be with me for a little while I think!

See more embellishing on my website

Embellishment with Jewels

When there were gaps in visitors yesterday at the Gallery I was working on the green sheer embellishments, inspired by the lacy leaves of the flower I found at the weekend. I was asked how I do the embroidered rings with the jewels in them so have put theinstructions on my main website under STITCH heading down the right hand side, if you would like to know how.