
Monday, 25 January 2010

Sheer Fabric Inspiration

Had to go into Kings Lynn this morning, Jenn came too!
New heels for my boots,ordered some buisness cards, ooh normally make my own but I need some photo ones for
The Gallery!
But our best shop was the fabric shop! I needed some sheers. So armed with a small leaf from the flower dec, Jenn and I had great fun feeling and pulling out all the sheer fabrics! Then onto the bead and braid sections and of course paint and glitter!
We don't get out much together to play as you can tell so we had lunch too! Pizza!
I will look to my figure, another day!

Flower Sections

Just had to take it to bits and disect it!

New Inspiration, Flower

It's the 25th today a month after Christmas and its also Burn's Night today, the celebration for those of Scottish descent. Have a good celebration!
It's gone so quickly already!
New Inspiration
I found this flower decoration on the second hand stall on Swaffham market on Saturday,for 20p. It just yelled at me to be used. I think it's the green lacy metallic leaves that drew me in.