
Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Painted Backgrounds Jan 2010 part 3

After painting and stamping an abstract background I then used watereddown green ink to paint over the background of Lutradur that had not been painted. I allowed this to dry naturally because it you use a heat gun on Lutradur it will melt, as it is 100% polyester. The holes that are formed, due to it melting are ideal if you want to view more of a backgound through, similar to a lace effect.

So when it had dried I then overpainted the surface again with liliac fabric paint. This seems to be the colour of the month so far. I started playing with purples in November. See Working Practice on my website and art blog

These are now ready for stitching and embellishing.

Stamped Background Jan 2010 part 2

The Lutradur backgrounds were then stamped with fir leaf inked stamps. I used Staz On ink so that it would be more permanent when over painted.

Painted Backgrounds Jan 2010

On Tuesday 5th Jan made some abstract painted backgrounds for contemporary textile work to come. Using Lutradur that Marion had given me to play with. It got painting with fabric paints and acylics.
Lutradur is a polyester fabric which is used in the furnishing trade.

Liliac Friendship ATC's

Here are the Liliac Friendship ATC's for the Coven Quilters.

1st Studio Days of 2010

I got into my logcabin studio on Monday 4th Jan for the first time of the New Year. Here is are the pages from my sketch book. I began finishing the ATC (Artist Trading Cards) for my friendship swap that I wanted to start that evening. I belong to several groups, The Coven Quilters being one of them. We meet each month to sew,share,put the world to rights and laugh. It was our celebration New Year meal. We each took a dish to share, it was wonderful and so delicous. See my main website for more pictures,