
Thursday, 29 April 2010

Vintage Lace Keepsake File, Blue

So here is the prepared Vintage lace File painted Blue!
Now it is ready to be embellished with stitch,beading and
attaching the linning with it's pockets.
Check back to see it's completion.
See more of my coloured creations on my website.

Vintage Lace Keepsake File

Here is the Keepsake Lace File folded and is ready for painting!!!
It will be painted and dyed various shades of my favourite colour,
see more of my blue work on my website

Prep for Vintage Lace File

Today I finally got to my 'Cream on Cream' Vintage pile
and sewed all the lace onto the canvas backing.
See more of my lace work on my website
double click this link

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Sketchbook Garden Page

Yesterday, I wasn't able to do 'The Gallery Tuesday', due to a hospital appointment.
Scans and tests later, feel a relief and was looked after really well.
So today I needed to re-group mentally,emotionally.
Stewart treated me to an ipod yesterday and Jenn helped me sort out some music today.
Rang friends and caught up with my sketchbook.
I had piled up alot of goodies to stick in,
so this morning I had fun painting, sticking and glueing,
really fun and releasing!
Feebie, 'The Flower Lady' called this morning too! with her plants in her van.
We live rurally so have many little vans that call with plants,
fish,meat and the fish and chip van beeps!when there here.
Feebie always seems to know when the time is right.
I brought some plants for the flower garden and strawberries for the greenhouse,enjoyed being ouside.
Here is the sketchbook page after my planting.
Feel lucky to be creative and enjoy what ever you are doing because you can!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Kate's Quilt

This is Kate's quilt in the making inspired by Persian Rugs.
The center panel is all Celtic Work with such small stitches.
Beautiful Kate! and to think that was all in bits last month!
We are so lucky to have such a good friends and the laughter could be heard all the way to the allotments!
I got home just before Cinderella again!

Kate Shows Us Her Quilt

Barbara's been making beautiful bags and shows us some more she would like to make on the computer along with penants for London 2012 Olympics.
We are each planning to make one.
This is Kate's quilt she is in the process of making for her son.
Now this is the lady who had only just arrived back in Norfolk after a celebration in a Night Club the previous evening and you can see her pink hat! that she turned up in!!

We Arrived at Coven

Once a month on Monday night it's Coven Quilters.
We met at Barbara's and boxes and bag fulls later we are sorting out Alsorts.
What you can do with this box of fabric?
Part of Joan's stash, she has been sorting out while moving into her new logcabin studio in her garden, oooh!
Joan reckons this is a couple of hours worth of time which she doesn't have,
just another three life times worth to sort!
As you can see the other Barbara is hard at thought,
arms crossed and deep stares.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Croft House Garden Sculpture

Croft House Garden had lots of inspiration and had a wonderful atmosphere.
In different areas around the garden were photographs of it before and after it had been transformed.
There were aso quotes, I liked this one.
" You thank nature for all you have seen,
But I am informed all here is
reformed by Art"
Elizabeth Montagu
Painshill Garden, Surrey.

Croft House Garden

Today Stewart and visited Croft House at Dersingham, just down the road from Sandringham and opposite St Nicholas Church .
The garden is opened in aid of charity as part of The National Garden Scheme.(NGS).
It is the wonderful garden of Walter and Jane Blaney.
The woodland area was a real pleasure to walk round and there were some real treasures and inspiration in the form of plants,pond and sculpture.
A mother duck had seven little chicks which she walked around the garden to entertain.
See more gardens, Quilters Cottage Garden in this Blog
and on my website

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Large Flower Border at Quilters Cottage

Today Stewart and I finished the large flower border in the front garden area.
The border on this hedge side is 60 feet long so you can see it has taken some time.
We started refurbishing at the end of last year because it had got full of real persistant weeds.
We took nearly everything out and started again,
other than the large bushes and trees and heavily mulched.
I am now replanting and heavily mulching again to try and save some work!
see more of Quilters Cottage Garden throughout this blog.

Liz's Old Quilt

We have 'Show and Tell at Alveva's every month.
We had lots of lovely quilts in the making,
our workshop tidies and this old quilt brought by Liz, on Ebay.
It is really beautiful and in very good condition.
The pattern is a variation on'Old Maids Puzzle'.
It is all hand quilted.
Well done Liz and well done to all our members for making it such a lovely group.
See some of my quilts on my website

Jo Rolfe textile Artist

Jo Rolfe Textile Artist, came to share her work with us at Alveva Quilters. She showed us her earliest work as a child and then through her education courses within textiles and right up to date with her PHD, which is based on traditional crafts but all use terms and methods which could be seen to relate to textiles.
Jo's studio is open in the 'Open Studios Norfolk',

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Crazywork Square For This Month

As some of you know I am doing a Crazywork Patchwork Round Robin with 8 members of Alveva Quilt Group and this is the square I made for Barbara. Her bag contained all silk fabrics which felt wonderful but did have the fray factor too!
Her inspirational block was very crisp and precise so this was a different one for me to achieve this month again. Only two more swaps before we get our own boxes back.
oOo! how exciting.
See more crazywork on my website

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Lovely Lutradur Book

Marion was back at The Gallery today along with Jill.
They are getting ready for Open Studios and they are using
The Gallery as their exhibiting venue.
I brought Marion's book today and she signed it too!
I will have a good read and tell you all about it.
We are surounded by some really inspirational and clever people at The Gallery.

Carol's Quillo Cushion

This is Carol's cushion front for her Quillo.
She brought the two fabrics and made the panel.
She has machine quilted the straight lines and then she is hand quilting with gold thread the flowers and details.
Well done Carol, from beginner to quilter in such a short time.
See more of my quilts and textiles on my website

Gallery Day 20th April 2010

Jenn's 19th birthday today but she's at college, ahh!
I'm at The Gallery and her Dads at work so special tea and cake tonight before she goes out and Party's.
Well here's Carol getting on with her first ever machine quilting of Quilt!!
She's doing so well and practising with her new machine.
See more of what happens at The Gallery

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Spinney Lodge Garden

Visited Spinney Lodge Garden at Gayton in Norfolk today with Mum and Stewart, after we had had a Carvey lunch at The Crown at Gayton. Very nice too! Spinney Lodge is the home and garden of Mr and Mrs Grant and they opened it to raise money for the National Garden Scheme, (NGS) yellow book, which raises money for charity.
It is a 2 acre garden by the side of a stream and has it's own woodland and trout pond.
This stream was an area off a Japanese style bridge which you walked over from a raised deck.
The garden was extensive and had many key features and plants which we found inspirational.
I brought a blue wood anenome for Mum and myself to remind us of our visit. I'll take a picture tomorrow when I have planted it.
I liked the poems and quotes which were around the garden. We were given a map to show us the key features. I think I would like to make a map of Quilters Cottage so watch this space.
The Grant's garden is featured in the 'Grow It' magazine which was on display.
Thank you to all NGS gardens who open their door to the public.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Japanese Garden and Sculpture

Today Stewart and I were in the garden tidying up, digging,mulching and planting.
This is a Japanese inspired garden designed by myself at the back of my studio. The standing sculpture is based on standing stones important in Japanese Gardens. I designed the ceramic stones. The clay was pushed into boxes which were lined with calico fabric so the clay picked up all the folds and creases. It was finished and fired by an artist called 'Flick' she has her own ceramics buisness now. Pebbles and slate form a dry river bed and pool around a ceramic seat made in the same way.
On the studio wall is a wall hanging made by me in etched and joined metal sections called 'Rabbits Don't Wear Armour', part of 'The Roadkill' Exhibition. On the metal dividing fence is a large climbing jasmine which makes this garden smell heavenly.
See other previous posts of Quilters Cottage Garden
See The Roadkill Exhibition on my website

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Burning Metal

As you can see I make the metal really flame. Depending on the thickness and type of metal and what colour you require,it will take a different amount of time. This is thin alluminium so it didn't take long as I only wanted a burnished bronze tint.
Be careful not to burn it too far as it goes very brittle. When you get the effect you want, wash it in a liitle soap and water and I rub clean with a wet wipe. This takes off any charcoal which may get on your work and cleans up the surface for additional colour.
I will now cut this up into sections and etch before embroidering and joining to the main piece.
See how I joined the roadkill metal sculpture on my website.

Burning Metal In Stewart's Studio

This morning Stewart let me into his studio to burn some more metal for one of the mixed media pieces I am working on, based on armour and costumes.

Health and Safety tip here make sure you protect yourself, I wear my leather apron most of the time when I am in my studio, so I can do most techniques without worrying about what I am wearing!
Wear a mask when needed.
Work in a well ventilated room.
Have water handy!

See more of my metal sculptures on my website especially under 'Roadkill'

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Eastern Open

After being shown how to deal with my tax, I needed some art therapy, so went into Kings Lynn and visted The Arts Centre, where the Eastern Open Exhibition is on until 22 May.
It is even better than ever and so much inspiring art and medias.
Well done, to all the submitting artists.
See more information about The Arts centre at

Tax Course

This may send a shudder through many but today I went on a free Tax Course due to the changes and adaptions to the Self Employment Forms. I would recommend it if you haven't been on them they are really helpful and make it less alarming when you need to fill out the forms.
It's all part of being a professional artist!
See more of my work on

Gallery Day with Jenn

Jenn came to help out at The Gallery yesterday. She helped me sort out some of the fabrics and art supplies. I took a large display box on wheels which Stewart and I had stripped of paint, on Monday. It fits right in and will hold the costumes and fabric for workshops.

Jenn couldn't help herself, she had to have a go on the embellisher.

In the afternoon Carol learnt some more machine quilting techniques on her new machine which her husband brought her for a suprise. It arrived lastFriday. So let's just say Carol thinks it's Christmas and her Birthday all rolled into one. He has got alot of smarty points, he chose really well.
See more of The Gallery

Sunday, 11 April 2010

The View Out of Skyspace Houghton Hall

This was the view up through the open roof of ths contemporary art space by James Turrel.
Blue Sky, today!
It was a beautiful day in Norfolk as you can see by the blue sky and the wispy clouds!
I laid on the floor and watched the sky go by,
every picture was different!
We only visited the garden today
but will return to see Houghton Hall and Garden in full bloom,
in the Summer.
Stewart and I had a lovely lunch in their restaurant and throughly enjoyed our visit.
The visit has given both of us lots of inspiration!

In the Gardens there are many more sculptures including this on of
"The Fire Fountain".

Stewart inside Skyspace

This is Stewart looking up through the roof of 'Skyspace'.
The wooden seats around this contemporary space made a closed and secure enviroment.
Definitly effective!

Skyspace Houghton Hall

I loved this Contemporary Art space by James Turrel.
It is a wooden observatory in it's own woodland area.
The ramp leading up to it does not give away the contemplative space within,
until you push open the wooden doors!
We have a tree house in our garden that needs renovating and I can see inspiration from this artwork permeating into my head!
Watch this blog!

Full Moon Circle, Houghton Hall

This art work is by Richard Long.
It is on the long landscape vista approach to the house.
Stewart is stood beside it so you can see the expanse of it.
( The house is behind Stewart).
The large slabs of slate are laid in a rotatinal formation and makes it look like it is moving.
As you know I like inspiration based on The Moon.
I have used slate in our garden around sculptures, to emulate movement.

Scolars Rock, Houghton Hall

This huge stainless steel sculpture is by artist, Zhan Wang.
It dominates the area and looks so solid but in fact when you tap on it, it is hollow, very clever!

Waterflame, Houghton Hall

'Waterflame' a sculpture by Jeppe Hein was so impressive.
It combines water and fire.
Stewart being an ex-fireman just had to take this photograph,
well many actually and we stood there quite some time watching and listening.
The sculpture in the background is of a heron!

Partarre Garden Houghton Hall

If you follow my blog you will know we have our
own partarre garden at Quilters Cottage
with sculpture but this one is spectactular!
It has an unusual rock fountain in it's centre and the privet hedges are just wonderful.
See March post 'Out in The Garden' to view a section of our partarre.

Houghton Hall Visit

It is the start of our Spring, Summer, garden and art events visits for Stewart and myself.
We started it off by visiting Houghton Hall near Kings Lynn.
It is an award winning garden,sculpture and deer park in the grounds of the Palladian Mansion built by
Sir Robert Walpole, Britains first Prime Minister.
Very appropriate with the election being date being issued this week!

Friday, 9 April 2010

Learned Angel

We can learn so much in one day.
I learnt alot today about my daughters patience and caring nature.
I do believe there is an Angel in all of us.
What or who is your angel?
Thank you Jennifer and Regina for such a lovely day.

Greyfriars Angel

We went into Kings Lynn to do some photographs around the public.
This was beside the Greyfriars Tower.
Jenn walked around, behind people sat with them, chatted, crossed the road! and texted friends!
A very busy Angel indeed!
See more of Jenn on her blog

Happy Angel

Jenn is so patient and so beautiful as an angel. I love this photograph.

Blue Angel

Jenn wore this dress to her Six Form Prom a few years ago, it made this group of photos very contemporary.

Angel Photoshoot

I took Jenn for a photoshoot with Regina a Fine Art student today.
Jenn really looked the part!

Brightlingsea Visit

Thursday I drove the 200 mile round trip to pick Jenn up from her holiday with Grandma and Grandad. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, swans were bathing at Manningtree, the lambs were jumping around and the flowers were amazing.
This is the Brightlingsea sign. Brightlingsea has won many prizes for their floral displays.
Jenn had really enjoyed her stay but had caught a cold!
We chatted all the way home.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Pentney and Norfolk's Future Artists

Just look at these artists and their art!
Everyone different too!
They got to choose to create from,
'The Hungry Caterpilla'
'Super Heroes'
Well done all of you and I look forward to the next workshop in the Summer.

Art Workshop at Pentney

Today I gave the Moveable Art Board workshop at Pentney. There were 26 children in total age ranging from 4 to 14 yrs old. Everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you to Sue and her helpers for assisting and making it a great success.
The Tuck Shop cakes and biscuits were homemade and delicious.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Catepilla's on Parade

These Hungry caterpilla's are on Parade ready for tomorrows workshop. I now have over 20 children attending, so have had to put together a lot more pack ups. This is the reason for all these cheeky caterpilla's. I have had such fun preparing the different theme boards.
Visit again to see more of the art boards and how they were recieved by future artist's!

Carol's Quillo Together

Carol and I layered her Quillo together this morning and then Carol planned her squares for the Cushion to put on the back of the Quillo.
I gave Carol a lesson on Machine free-machining. She's hooked and I feel a new machine is coming into view for Carol's Birthday!!!
See more of my Quillo's and quilting on my website.

Tuesday at The Gallery 6th April 2010

Pat is developing her mixed media techniques by making an Angel artwork for a special gift. She has also made a card out of the practice background papers and fabrics.This angel is really coming along well as you can see.
My residency at the Gallery is such a pleasure and you never know what sort of art people want to come and try.
I love the serendipity of the experience.
See more of what goes on at The Gallery

Jenn Reading

We had a lovely Easter Sunday with the Family. We all descended on Grandma and Grandad in Brightlingsea for Easter Lunch.
Here Jenn is reading to her cousins, Aaron on the left and Lewis, who is Aaron's brother and Jenn's Godson. He thinks she's wonderful and is firmly attached!!!
The Mini's came in the Easter Eggs, they are really cool!
See Jenn's website for what she gets up too!

Undercoat for The Settle

First undercoat painted on the prepared settle. I think I am going to keep it white because I have bright and colourful patchwork cushions in mind. I have brought a new seat foam pad and I think that will go patchwork too!
A total revamp.
Keep visiting to see the patchwork additions to my favourite conservatory seat.

Preparation Saturday

Spring is really here at Quilters Cottage because not only are we tidying the garden but this is is what we do on a rainy Saturday morning ! Sand and clean down the Settle from the conservatory ready for painting.

This photograph was taken in Stewart's Studio. This studio overlooks the Monk's Secret Garden. It is a 30 foot by 12 foot log cabin which was originally mine until I moved into my new one near the house last year.

Is'nt he tidy?!!!!!!!

Friday, 2 April 2010

The Hungry Caterpilla

This is one of the new boards I have made to demonstrate the different techniques that can be used on the art boards. I have used lots of recyled elements and some of the new goodies!
As you can see it is based on one of my favourite stories I used to read to Jenn and at school.
The Hungry Caterpilla is cut out of a napkin and glued to card.
The flowers move and the ladybird goes up and down her leaf.
I will show you some of the others as I re- furbish them adding more elements of movement.
Children can be very keen critics about techniques
and they have to be do- able, really quickly.

Art Workshop Goodies

Look at these goodies! I brought them to help me with an artworkshop I am doing next week,as a Norfolk Community Artist.
It is an art morning for a children 5-11 year olds at a local village hall.
I have been making more artworks with moveable sections on them as demonstration pieces and improving art games from prevous sessions.

Textile Workbox

The Gallery Dereham is needing storage for all the textile threads, bobbins,needles,pins and scissors etc.
The thought was a piece of furniture that looks like a large textile workbox. This piece of furniture was in Stewart's studio. Stewart put a shelf and rail at the bottom, to allow workboxes to go underneath and put casters on the bottom so it can be moved around easily.
It now needs painting and "do a Jane on it", these were Judy's words!
So I will post as it goes through it's transformation!

Business Cards

I have had a really busy and interesting week.
I had to pick up another lot of business cards from Prontoprint in Kings Lynn on Wednesday.
I am still using the Blue Moon image as it has been so well recieved.
It was also The Embroidery Guild meeting.
The stitch challenge was announced. The stitches and rules for each stitch were all put in a bag and we had to pick them out by lucky dip. I got blanket stitch, random size in a circle.
We've got until May meeting to complete our square so they can all be put together for the Exhibition at the Museum.
See my website for the original artwork.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone.
From Quilters Cottage.